Start off the new year with fundamental drills:
- Tempo Drills (slow, medium, fast): Indian step, hip twist, 6 step, 7 step, 3 step, 2 step
- Level Drills: Indian step, hip twist, 6 step, 7 step, 3 step, 2 step
Calesthetics based on Chris Heria’s Upper Body Workout: (3 sets)
- Diamond push ups sqeeze (40 seconds)
- Assisted one handed push ups (40 seconds)
- Elevated high push ups (40 seconds)
Break-specific work out:
- Jump squats to 6 step (40 seconds)
- 5 side dips per side to 5 CCs (40 seconds)
Power fundamentals:
- Flare basics: (focus on entry, head positioning and quick hand transition)
- L sit practice
- Groin stretch:
Power Transitions:
- Coindrop to float
- vice versa
- Mr. Wiggles go downs: (Timestamp: 2:10)
- play with the concept of back sweeps and go downs to the knee