As the appropriate email out and teams integrations have been configured with the Jira Service Management project, you should receive notifications through these external mediums.

Through email, you will receive an email notification that looks like this:

Through Teams, it will look like this:

If you select View issue, you should be able to access the ticket information in the Jira Admin portal. When viewing the ticket in the admin view, you will see the details that the end user filled out: Title, CC, Location, Description, and comments that they may have added.

Admins can add internal notes (that will only notify admins and watchers: manually added personal that will be notified in the case of a ticket update) or customer notes (that will notify admins, watchers and customers). Meta data details for the ticket will be under the Details section of the ticket including: Assignee, Reporter, Request Type, Knowledge base and potentially connected assets.

In the case where an end user submits a ticket through email (this email is configured by admins to be a system generated email or an external help desk email) like so:

The request in the admin portal will look like this. Note that the Request Type will be defaulted to Emailed Request; however, you can change it to a fitting request type.

In the case where the request type is changed, we can see that a notification will be sent out to the Teams chat:

Notifications will be sent through email and teams when internal notes, replies to customers and ticket status changes are submitted as well.

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